Friday, March 23, 2012

Make It Yourself: Butter

This is so awesome! I never new how to make butter. It was always something the Amish or big companies did... I was looking through blogs the other day and I stumbled onto this amazing recipe to make your own butter! With this recipe not only do you get butter, but you get buttermilk too! Awesome! Moms with flabby arms, 
this is a good time to get your work out in!!  ha-ha, I know I did.
  My son didn't really want much to do with it though! 

Great new IDEA! Pour your heavy cream into a food processor and blend for 10 minuets until separated!

Click this link for original recipe
Here's how it is made! 
I went to my local Meijer. I picked up plastic freezer containers that were $3.00 for 4. Then I got some heavy cream that was $2.89 each.  I bought two.  Total for the experiment was  $8.78, but the containers are a one time buy. 

I started with Dean's Heavy Cream. 
Fill your empty container 3/4 full. 
If you add more than that it wont have room to form. 
Make sure it is Cold.

 Begin to shake your container. Shake for about 20-25 minutes.
After that time you will have Whipping Cream. 

Keep going!! It will get very thick. Then it will start to separate into butter and buttermilk. Pour your buttermilk into different container.  YOU MUST wash your butter with cold water until clear. IT WILL SPOIL QUICKLY IF YOU DON'T! 
Save it for the next mornings pancakes.
And you have your butter!
In the end, I think this is a very fun thing to do!!  If you already have a canning jar this makes the project cheaper. It makes a small amount for the time spent shaking, although I do love the work out! I think anyone with kids, who promise to shake the jar, or at least roll it around will make it more fun and keep them busy before lunch!!!!

Enjoy :) 

Garlic Butter: add in minced garlic and Mrs. Dash garlic and herb. Great for Making Garlic Bread! 

Note: I have no affiliation with any of the websites listed above.

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