Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Easy Apricot Butter

This 5 Minute recipe is the easiest way you could ever make apricot butter!!

I went to Costco some time a go and they have a big bag of apricots. 

Handful of apricots 
Cinnamon to taste 
Melted butter
Blender/magic bullet

Handful of apricots with cinnamon on top of them. 

Melt your butter and poor it in.


 Yum! Super easy! -place in fridge to keep for 2-3 weeks.

Ikea Play Rug

Some of you may be saying "why is she blogging about a Play Rug from ikea?!" Well, because it's awesome! My son is 5 and he keeps getting bored with his Legos & cars. I have been searching for a rug like this for a while and we stopped off at ikea and found one (and a few other things)

The bet part about this rug is that It is only $12.99

buy it here!